Âmes Sanglantes - Le Cri Du Pendu (CDr, Cipher Productions 2006)

The recordings of this album dates from April 1999, but was released in 2006. 

“Chants Du Désespair”  is the first track of this true classic. Delayed chanting/vocals (Tibetan style) with very minimal hissing on the background, and a distorted high tone open the album. The second track “La Chambre à Gaz” begins with a heavily distorted, scratching and banging sound, accompanied with feedback repetition and twitching vocal-like sounds. Its a 10 minute long slab of nightmarish noise. More bleaker than this you won't get. “Syndrome Gravitationnel” seems to be a mixture of mangled vocals and synths, with a continued industrial high shriek throughout the track, very nice. “Réponse Sans Question”  the fourth track, opens with raw overloaded, feedback drones, almost noise. They are accompanied by delayed crunched noises. “Le Pendu Est Mort”, a very short track, has frantic, distorted vocals with a weird effect. “Désertique” is a more chaotic track with oscillating synths and primitive, noisy vocals, which get repeated throughout the whole song and are ending in feedback. “La Chambre Psychédélique” has a primitive, banging percussion loop and high ethnic sounding noises. Track eight  “Réalité: Invention Humaine”  is the longest track of this album and also opens with frantic and sickened vocals or effects?, joined by harsh noise. As the track evolves, a slow, high static, tone loop comes in, together with all kind of weird effects. But they get quickly annihilated again by the previous mentioned sound. In the last part feedback joins in with occasional, faint vocal like sounds. On this track one can imagine that mankind has returned back to its primitive state. “Les Derniéres Minutes” opens with a high tone and an animal like moaning loop. Different noises on the background and feedback follow, but it doesn’t get messy like in the other tracks. This is maybe the most calm one of the whole record. “Le Cri Du Pendu” is a short mixture of weird effects and vocals, much the same as some of the other tracks. And the last one called “Ergonomie” (also a very short one) has bad receiving, signal sounds.

Brutal, bleak and uncompromising: 'Le Cri Du Pendu' from Âmes Sanglantes has it all.
This album takes you to the darkest corners of mankind and beyond.

Also worth mentioning is that the packaging/artwork prints are done very professional, because it feels much more like a CD and not so much as a CDr.

This release is sold out. But maybe if you search a bit on the net you can still find a (second hand) copy and be as lucky as me.