F.E. Denning – Rites Of Passage (2x Cassette, C22 & C16, Posh Isolation 2012)

This must be the first release of the mysterious project F.E. Denning, that found its haven on the label Posh Isolation. The release comes in an envelope/insert, with two white cassettes and four untitled tracks.

I listened this record outside, at train stations and other public places and it was like time itself had slowed down and put everything in slow motion. The tracks could be described as dark ambient, but they are actually drones. Bleak meditative sounding drones. Very bleak. The world seemed to be a nothing more than an empty shell, where everything was taken out of it’s usual context. And although all four tracks are really slow, they posses a underlying aggressiveness and violent character, like they could burst open any time. There also seems to be not much change going on, but that's not true. They are constantly shifting in sound, unnoticeable. Like the way cells are turning into an malevolent tumor, very sneaky and underneath the surface. The last track is bit different from the other three. It comes closer to noise than drone. But it fits perfectly with the other ones. What the tracks are made of is unclear to me. I heard industrial sounds in it, but also a manipulated gong. It could be anything. Although this album is not loud, it blew me away. Very recommendable stuff.

The album is no longer available on the Posh Isolation, but maybe there is still lingering a copy somewhere on a mailorder company. If not, there is a new release out from this artist, also on Posh Isolation. The new album is called “Cities Of Light”.