Brochu is a new noise project/artist from Cleveland. He seems to be releasing
all of his records by himself through Bandcamp. I will be doing a short review on his second release called “Heuristic Analog Rental Meat”.
“Heuristic Analog Rental Meat” is a mixture of sharp, cut up noise, field recordings, and all sorts of samples.
The pace is fast and relentless. As mentioned on the artists Bandcamp, the
sounds are recorded on tape, which gives it an old school feeling, even a bit
similar to the early works of pioneers like Maurizio Bianchi and Mauthausen
orchestra. Asian voice samples, radio shows/tunes are thrown in the mix as
well. All tracks range in the same matter and mood; ravishing and fast harsh noise,
existing out of recorded and found sounds, which are than destroyed with the
necessary effects.
I really
liked the noise parts, but I didn’t like the found sounds/samples (radio
shows/tunes). They seem to be unnecessary and obviate. Still this is a
promising project worth mentioning and that needs to be checked out.