Disfigured Robot Child - Kegadoru 02 (Digital Download; Selfreleased 2014)

Disfigured Robot Child is a noise project from Thailand, that you can only find on Bandcamp. With the weird but strong artwork and strange titles it’s hard to get a grip on the subjects from this project, but it definitely gives it a mysterious aura. Kegadoru 02, released in April 2014, is a compilation of tracks from other releases by D.R.C., that goes from 2012 – 2014.

The first track, “Pure”, is a twenty two minute-long space, noise nightmare. Rich and deep textures of reverbed, static-like noise team up with stark, oscillating synth sounds. Near the end of this track, faint tunes can be heard, but they are only brief and momentary. Very good track. The second one, “Imanoanuj2”, brings looped drones and harsh noise to the mix. It’s actually a messy outlet of different chaotic sounds, cut-up voices, sliced percussion and glitch noise. “吐く”, the third track, is suffocating harsh noise with bleeps and clicks on the background. Looped noise sounds join in near the end of this track. The fourth one, “Meido II”, is a messed up mixture of singing feedback, occasional mono-synth sounds and gritty noise. Also very chaotic and mesmerising. “If You Die, I’ll Kill You”, is the strange title of the fifth track. Delayed percussion-like sounds, ambient and voices (also delayed) play on the edge between silence and chaos and create a great tension. This track has a dream like state, but not a comfortable one. “Pantsu I”, brings high ranged, sharp, airplane-like noise, while “Nasophilla” has glitched computer-like noise. “Nose Sucking”, the eight track, has nice, hard edged ambient going on, feedbacking silently. The ambient sounds quickly get overthrown by crude noise. “Missing” joins “Pantsu I” with the airplane sounds, but is more abstract. The tenth track, “♥♥♥”, has looped, static noise and frantic noise shism’s, with build up tones as well. And “I love you”, toys around with freezed loopes, to eventually disappear into a smear of metallic harsh noise and faint shopping mall tunes(?). “0202”, track twelve, is a nice composition of deranged noises (looped) and low ranged, rumbling noise. And the thirteenth track, “199x5”, is also very deranging and on the verge of mental collapse. But this one goes even deeper and further into the maze of insanity. If you are into the early works of Maurizio Bianchi, this is definitely a recommendation. “Give Me A Reason To Stop Making Noise”, is one of the shortest tracks residing on this album. It is a mixture of sharp and high ranged static with some mono synth action. And in “RIP  MSBR” the ringing noise sound is hypnotic and repulsive at the same time. The last track, “Dweep Tob”, with it’s spacious noise and everlasting strings of crunched feedback, gives one last push to this very long release.

This is a difficult album because of the length, but definitely worth a go for all the adventurous noise fans out there. The overall sound is slightly bleak and distopian. But above all, these are very odd and interesting sounds that need to be heard. And it definitely deserves a physical release as well. I hope this person pushes the limits and sounds even a bit further in the future, with perhaps some more ambient in the mix.
