Clavicula Salomonis – Selftitled (Download, Infinite Undoing Tape Label 2014)
The selftitled album from this artist has two sides with untitled tracks, around fifteen minutes each half. The sounds of the first half are dark and murky electronics and crunched noise joined by chant like ambient and background drones. At the mid part of this track, the sound intensifies to a climax and than eases down, to than build up again with more low ranged noise (which seems to be another track).
The other half brings an post-apocalyptic atmosphere with nice, ill sounding drones and broken device electronics. They are joined by faint vocals (samples?) and other electronic loops. The other part has wind like sounds and fast, typewriter like noise. A storm is coming, surely.
Infinite Undoing Tape Label and the projects it releases seem to be all new. And the overall artwork that is used for these releases, makes me think a bit of the Austrian artist Arnulf Rainer. I’m not sure if the releases are also physical, but I assume they are, according the name of this label and there is a contact option for you to try out.