Today I will be reviewing ‘Tvang’ from the now defunct Alleypisser project, by Mikkel Rørbo. The release has two untitled tracks on each side and came out on the excellent Second Sleep label.
The first side begins with a continued metallic, almost drone like sound, occasional lurking feedback and washy noise. After a while the metal objects get treated more physical, with a repetitive industrial feel to it. At this part of the track the other sounds start to disappear and eventually you can only hear a car engine like drone, that is joined later by delayed, metal objects and feedback intervals. This continues for a while, till a new drone layer appears. Dark stuff.
On the other side the second track picks up where it ended on the first: dark, ringing drones that made me think of stretched out and desolate, industrial landscapes. Metal hits/banging and short feedback salvo’s come in to make the picture complete. It also made think allot of the recent movie ‘The Rover’, I have seen yesterday. It has much similarities to the threatening, hopelessness and bleak atmosphere of that movie. At the end of the track the sound gets harsher and noisier again, to than end abruptly.
The overall sound could be described as minimal, to say on the sources that is. The sound itself is very rich and full in sound. On both tracks you can also hear the presence of the room it is recorded in, so it has a bit of a live-performance feeling. The physical release is long sold out, but you can download it now on the artists Bandcamp, together with all other Alleypisser releases.