The first two tracks are from Lock. “Lavaliere” is the first one and starts with slow burning, dark feedback-like drones, musique concrete, oscillating synth misery and low ranged death vibes. Most of it is drenched in a cold and nice sounding reverb. The feeling you get listening to this track, is that from a chilly and icy winter evening. The next one in line is called “Scordatura”. More oscillating synths are to be heard here, but also chime-like sounds and more eerie drones, again drenched in that nice sounding and spacious reverb.
The third track, “Improved S Barb”, is by White Resin and kicks of with a determent sounding and hypnotic electronic loop, shifting gradually in shape and rhythm. This is repeated throughout the whole track, and worked well as sort of rough, meditative piece.
The fourth is by Interference and is called “Canine”. Dark, esoteric noise is a well suited description for the beginning of this track. Grainy, saturated death electronics come in, driven to cause infliction on the nerve system and shredding the man made illusions of life. Chaotic harsh noise follows up, fragmenting every last hope of structure. A very nice and basic sounding track.
“Divergent” is the last track, made by Marble Verse. With it’s brooding and melancholic drones/scapes, this track is somehow most suited for the exotic looking cover of the artwork. It has a dark eastern sound you can sometimes also hear in the Muslim Gauze records, but than without the beats. This is the most depressing and calm one of the five.
The physical copy’s seem to be sold out, but it’s still listenable and for sale on Bandcamp.
Highly recommended stuff!