A Happy Death. // Shiver - Selftitled (Cassette C40 or download, Diazepam/Angst 2014)

I stumbled on the Italian label Diazepam a while ago and have been checking them out since. The release (a realisation between the two labels Diazepam and Angst) I will be reviewing today is a split by A Happy Death and Shiver, two equal Italian harsh noise projects.

The first track from A Happy death is pure, destroying harsh noise, going from obliterating, clattering noise chunks, to low rumbling, delayed drones and other sounds, ending in feedback. The second one, wich has a much higher texture in sound, is going from outbursts of shrieking to a calmer part with diseased sounding noise.

The tracks from Shiver have a more psyche sound, playing with the mind and heart, like the first track, wich is colorfull but very dark and brutal at the same time. with oscillating synth sounds trying to find a way passed horrified vocals and dark, mournfull (ambient) tunes.
The mood of a funeral comes to mind. Also in the second track "You Are Allready Ashes",
with psychedelic swirling synth tunes that mix up with unforgiving feedbacked noises and very impressive screaming. This is my favorite track from the album.
The third one has deep noise bursts, guitar-like drones, loops and a delayed sample of a woman talking. Its like this track is about to end each time but keeps coming back, very weird and mesmerising. The last track "I want To Die Alone" is the most messy one. Spaced out synth sounds, background screams, dissonant chords and feedback are running the show here, togheter with a catchy synth tune it is a suitable ending for this release.

The tracks from Shiver have quite a original sound that I didn't heard befor, or forgot about.
They put you in a trance like state wich locks you off from the outside world.
But the ones from A Happy Death are equal intense and worth listening.
A very, very enjoyable release indeed.
