Âmes Sanglantes - L'Existence Des Existences (Cassette C20, Hospital Productions 2011)

This project doesn't really need an introduction. Its one of the more well known in the noise scene today. But for those who don't know, Âmes Sanglantes is the outlet from Pierre-Marc Tremblay.

L'Existence Des Existences, an EP from 2011, opens with a dark and rhythm-like drones, followed by slow synthesized, percussive beats and distorted, heavy guitar-like sounds. It has a doom metal feel to it, but than darker and much more compelling. The hypnotic and delayed percussion seems to be the focus point on this track.

'L'Ectoplasme' begins with a very similar drone, but heavier. A bit later industrial beats kick in, togheter with fucked up voices and doomy guitar power chords. Gastly warfare comes to mind, with soldiers that march slowly to their demise and death.

Its a short but powerfull release and its still digitally for sale.
