Flesh Prison - Heaven's Gate (Cassette, Channel63)
"Heaven's Gate" seems to be the first release of this new project called Flesh Prison, from the UK.
The first track begins with rattling, low noise and shredding vocal intervals. A hypnotic loop on the background is guiding the track into more harsher textures of noise. The second track "Moments Of Indecision", has a looped and rhythmic cadence, with occasional noise bursts. Here, the sounds seem to be piling up in delay, to than transform in a low alarm-like signal, also very hypnotic if you start focussing on it. "Growing Obsession" has a wall-like structure of sound, accompanied by delayed noise. And on the background seems be a low ambient layer, coloring this track into dark, grey mass. The fourth one "I can't Breath", also has rattling sounds and noise rhythms. In the distance I hear faint and repeating, high signals. And "Under Soil" has low, brick-noise intervals, which is repeated till a delayed/echo effect comes in to mash it up, which sounds a bit like a stuck record. The last track "Suffering Under My Own Will", is the fastest one from the album. It sounds much like a factory in distress, fabricating mutilation and death.
The whole album has a industrial feel to it. But it goes deeper than that, taking you further and further on a journey through an open and barren landscape, of fog and destruction.
A recommendation that needs to be heard.